is a comfy, "free-speech" instance for based cunny lovers, enjoyers, connoisseurs and affiliates.
Cunnyborea is not accepting signup applications nor handing out invites. If you want a fediverse account, head over to another instance.
We block (i.e. MRF Reject) instances that:
We're having issues with media from, we can't see shit. We don't know if it's an issue on their end or ours. Anyways, that server is run by kikes, so we don't want to do anything with it. Stop being niggercattle and using jewish shit.
The Admin reserves the right of changing the rules and the status of federation.
If you need to contact the admin for any reason please send and email to There's no guarantee you'll get any reply, thou.
Uooooh cunny ðŸ˜