{{- if eq .Date.IsZero false }}
{{- end }}
{{- if (and (eq .Lastmod.IsZero false) (ne .Lastmod .Date)) }}
— last updated
{{- end }}
{{ if or (.Params.toc) (and (ne .Params.toc false) (isset .Site.Params "tocwordthreshold") (ge .Site.Params.TocWordThreshold 0) (gt .WordCount .Site.Params.TocWordThreshold)) }}
{{/* If the front matter parameter is true, show the toc */}}
{{/* Elif the front matter parameter is false, don't show the toc */}}
{{/* Elif the front matter parameter is not set, show the toc if the site parameter is set, non-negative, and less than the word count */}}
Table of Contents
{{ $toc := .TableOfContents -}}
{{/* Workaround for an extra layer of indentation (https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/2303) */}}
{{- $toc := replaceRE `` `${1}` $toc -}}
{{- safeHTML $toc }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Content | replaceRE "()" (printf "${1}${3}" ("images/chain-link.svg" | relURL)) | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}